2018 Employment Posters – Great Prices at GCVCC

News from Staff

Don’t get fined! Your business needs new posters in 2018 – order them through [email protected] or call (760) 347-0676

Fines can be up to $17,000 without these new posters up in your place of business.

Option 1: Non-laminated – Federal & State 2018 Laws (English) 

Option 2: Laminated – Federal & State 2018 Laws (English) 

Option 3: Non-laminated – Federal & State 2018 Laws (Spanish) 

Option 4: Laminated – Federal & State 2018 Laws (Spanish) 

Having employment posters and posting them in a visible location for employees to see is a legal requirement.

Your chamber is here to help support you and your business at affordable prices!