News from UCR Extension

Each time we talk, there’s more to talk about. The past four months brought change that we never could have imagined in our lifetimes. COVID-19 took us by surprise, and responding to the crisis required finding new ways to engage with you.

Just as we passed the 3-month mark of quarantine and were becoming comfortable with our “new normal,” citizens across the country and world united and marched for equity, equality, and social justice. We are hopeful for change.

All of our courses are now online, so you can access learning anytime, from anywhere in the world. Special this summer for international students, is a new program that allows you to earn UC credits without an I-20 or visa application. Our online XR courses satisfy your General Education requirements for college admission. The program is also perfect for advanced level high school students, both international and domestic, wanting to see what the college experience is like.

Something else new for high school students is our online SAT Prep courses. These courses offer 20 hours of online instruction to help students develop the tools they need to succeed on the SAT, and get ready for college.

As we move into summer, we are already preparing for fall. UCR leadership has announced their plans for fall quarter course delivery and guidelines for the gradual return to campus. As more information becomes available, we will share it with you. Indeed, as the past four months have shown us, everything can change at a moment’s notice.

At UCR Extension, we will continue to deliver most of our fall courses online. We have not yet finalized our plans for re-opening our building, but our staff continues to be here for you—working from their home offices. Again, we will keep you informed, and follow the lead of data, science, and public health.

UCR Extension’s mission is to offer exceptional educational experiences and lifelong learning opportunities for all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. Our mission has never been more important, and it continues to guide us. If you want to take your life in a new direction, or just need help navigating these unsettling times, we are here for you. Reach out to us, and learn how to qualify for scholarship opportunities that can change your future.

Be well and stay connected.

Kevin J. Vaughn, Ph.D.