Adaptive Leadership and Big Data Symposium Summary and Agenda

Message from Thomas McWeeney:

The Symposium will present a model of leadership that was derived from the perspective of “followers” and has been used by dozens of motivated executives to redirect and significantly transform their organizations. It emphasizes the ethical dimension of leadership and includes FIVE key attributes that are found in virtually all effective and successful leaders.

The Symposium will have two distinct parts – a morning session that demonstrates how the model framed the actions of successful leaders in the past decade and an afternoon session that relates the model to the current challenges. In the morning session, three nationally renowned law enforcement leaders — Dale Watson, former Executive Assistant Director for FBI, Dave Brant, former Director of NCIS and Sandra Hutchens, Sherriff of Orange County, California, – will describe how the leadership attributes that we will be discussing guided their actions through some very difficult times and motived them to pursue several challenging and innovative projects. The three discussants will also explain the critical role each independently played in the development and implementation of the most effective and successful law enforcement information system in the United States (the LInX system). The LInX “governance process” – a formal approach to collaborative leadership – is widely recognized as the distinctive feature of LInX and the key to its unrivaled success. The three guests will be available to chat with invited guess during and after the conference about leadership and matters of current interest.

The afternoon session shifts to a discussion of the contemporary leadership challenges of “big data” and the similarities with the challenges faced by the leaders who developed and championed the LInX system. The session will begin with a conversation with by the big data team from the main sponsors of the symposium, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The conversation will include an explanation of the big data concept, its definition, current need, and great potential for addressing concerns of public policy and public management. SCAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata – a well-known advocate of different approaches to the leadership of local communities – will join Damian Spangudd, Director of Solutions for Esri, for a dialogue with the audience on the kind of engaged leadership that they believe is needed to move the Southern California region forward in the use of “big data”. During that discussion, Damian will demonstrate the value of using aggregate date to better understand social problems by presenting specific and very revealing information that Esri has developed from aggregate data for cities and communities throughout the nation. Damian will also provide insight on some key issues suggested by reviewing available data pertaining to Rialto, CA.

This will provide the lead-in for the final session of the day. The Symposium will profile the leadership attributes of Rialto Mayor Deborah Robertson – who will relate her experience specifically to the leadership model presented in the morning – and present her plans for a data analytic center that will inform the development of public policy for the citizens of Rialto. Mayor Roberson will explain how she intends to the use the National Development Resource Council of Local Government (NRDC-LG) – a team of industry experts assembled as a

“governance board” to advise on many difficult policy matters, specifically, on the development and use of a data analytics center for the city.

Throughout the day, guests will be given time to discuss the model with their associates in “round table discussions”, so we are urging those interested to bring their leadership team and do “some leadership self-assessing” during the day. The cost of the all-day conference is minimal – just a donation to cover breakfast and buffet lunch which will be served to all attendees. We are suggesting a donation of $250 per table (up to six people). We are also suggesting a donation of $50 per person for individual registrants.


February 21st at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino

Morning Session

7:30 – 8:30: Registration and Breakfast Buffet

8:30 – 8:45: Welcome and Introductions – Sharon Brown-Welty, Dean, Palm Desert Campus, California State University. San Bernardino and Alexandru Roman, Executive Director of the Institute for Public Management and Governance, California State University. San Bernardino

8:45 – 9:00: Ethical Leadership and Performance – Dr. Thomas McWeeney Symposium Leader and Associate Director of the Institute for Public Management and Governance, California State University. San Bernardino

9:00 – 10:15: Ethical Leadership and Transformational Change:

· Dale Watson, Executive Assistant Director (Ret.) of the FBI and currently Senior Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton

· David Brant, Director (Ret.) of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and currently the Executive Director of the National Law Enforcement Museum

· Sandra Hutchens, Sheriff of Orange County, California.

10:15 -10:30: Morning Break

10:30 – 11:30: Transformational Leadership, the Driver of Breakthrough Innovation: Case Study – Law Enforcement Information Sharing. Dale Watson, Dave Brant, Sandra Hutchens.; LInX Presentation by Bruce Loftus, LInX Regional Program Manager for Orange County and Hawaii.

11:30 – 12: 30: Buffet Lunch

Afternoon Session

12:30 – 1:00: Big Data – its definition, current need, and great potential.

Presented by the Big Data Team of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

1:00 – 2:30: Leadership/Big Data panel

· Hasan Ihkrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

· Damian Spangrud, Director of Technical Solutions, ESRI

2:15 – 2:30: Afternoon Break

2:30 – 4:00: Leadership in Action: Mayor Deborah Robertson and the Rialto Analytic Center. Panel Discussion with National Development Resource Council for Local Governments (NRDC-LG) Industry Experts.

4:00 – 4:30: Final Exercise and Closing Remarks