AMR offers free, mobile Hands-Only CPR class!

News from: American Medical Response

American Medical Response has a free CPR class to bring to the businesses of Greater Coachella Valley Chamber members! Free, Hands-Only CPR Education, is mobile and ready to come to you, your employees and your families! This non-certified class is taught by your local first responders to empower our communities and impact lives. There’s no minimum or maximum group sizes, we’re just happy to present, because sudden cardiac arrest can happen anywhere.

In 2018, AMR Riverside-Hemet-Palm Springs, taught 7.630 county residents. As a result, we also saw bystander CPR intervention rise to 49% in sudden witnessed cardiac arrest, an amazing 9% increase from the previous year.

You’re the difference!

Contact Jacqueline Kotowicz, 951-312-7997 or [email protected] to schedule today!