Barpiyo Coming Soon

News from Suinternational:

One of the branches of Suinternational is Barpiyo ( ). This is where Alev gets to use her many talents through her affiliation with the Turkish Ballet Troupe. She incorporates Ballet, Pilates and Yoga into a natural healing wellness program. As you can see, you can truly use ANY item as an exercise prop. Barpiyo is a fun exercise model because it offers a combination through dance format.

> Ballet Bar is a safe and effective method that prevents the risk of falling in with some action.

> Pilates movements with ligament and muscle tissue is the most effective as soon as a fun lesson pick up a quick tightening.

> Yoga breathing with movement control, thus resulting in oxygen gives continuity kullandırarak good move.

> SOD resistance by activating muscle fibers before Barpiyo then produce forces and movement to your Type II muscle fibers oriented training and development targets.

> Try to keep active fun as soon as possible form barpiyo necessarily.

Dr. Mustafa Said ERZEYBEK, Sports Health Specialist

Coming soon to a location near you.. presented by Alev Baymur and