The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) is seeking additional members for its Ambassador Program. The GCVCC Ambassador Program helps to organize and coordinate valley business events. They also serve as trusted partners to the chamber and the business community.
The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce Ambassador program is a great way to get engaged with the business community. The Ambassadors provide a crucial link between the Chamber and its business membership. They help ensure that all members stay engaged and receive the maximum benefit from their investment. Their primary responsibilities include assisting in member retention, recruiting and mentoring new members, and assisting at events.
“Our Ambassador team is really the heart and soul of the chamber,” says Jeff Levine GCVCC Chairman of the Board. “Our Ambassador Team helps provide the ability to effectively execute events, reach out to elected leaders, and most importantly our Ambassador Team is our front-line communication with our local business chamber members.”
The Ambassador Program is great way for members to get more involved in their community, as well as meet chamber members and grow their business network. Carmen Contreras State Farm is one of the many companies to have employees participate in the program. “The Chamber has introduced me to so many great people and given me the ability to connect with my community. There are so many events, mixers, workshops, we can reach the community and fellow business owners. I am so proud to be a part of the great things that are happening.”