Bite of Reality

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Fun, Safe, and Interactive Bite of Reality is a hands-on simulation that appeals to teens while giving them a taste of real-world financial realities. Students will be given a fictional occupation, salary, spouse and family, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. The students then walk around to various table-top stations to “purchase” housing, transportation, food, clothing, household necessities, day care, and other needs. The game also includes a “credit union” to help students with their financial needs. This interactive activity will teach students how to make financial decisions and give them a better understanding of the challenges of living on a budget. Students will have to deal with a pushy “car salesperson” and a commission-based “realtor,” and weigh their wants versus their needs. There’s even a “Fickle Finger of Fate” that will give some of the students unexpected “expenses” or “windfalls”—just like in real life.
We need your help!
However, this cannot be don’t without the help of our community. We are looking for approximately 35 community members to volunteer as “actors” during this simulation activity. Each volunteer will be assigned to a station where they will serve as a salesperson. Your goal is to upsell each student. After all, who wouldn’t want to drive a BMW?
What are the benefits of Bite of Reality?
Teaches basic money management in a safe, fun setting
Simulates everyday financial challenges and situations
Encourages students to start saving
Event details
Indio H.S
April 24th
from about 8am to about 2:30  (If you can only stay half the day, I understand, but please let me know so I may find proper coverage)
Interested parties please reply with name, phone number and email no later than April 20th.   
Should you have more question feel free to give me a call.
Thank you so much in advance.
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Veronica Vergne
Business Development Officer
c: 951.675-5472
p: 951.571-5365
f: 951.571.5871
Enriching Lives and Empowering Dreams