CalChamber Alert

News from CalChamber:

Jobs and the state of the economy are of high concern to the public at large and most likely your employees and colleagues. As they weigh their choices for the November election, your employees and colleagues may find it helpful to learn about the business perspective on the ballot measures. Sharing this information is not the same as telling your employees and colleagues how to vote and the sample text below attempts to make that clear. You can include the link below in your email for employees and colleagues who would like more information or simply print out this pdf file to share.

If you have concerns about communicating these positions to your employees, be assured that you are within your rights to do so – just remember: NO PAYCHECK STUFFERS, no coercion, no rewarding or punishing employees (or threatening to do so) for their political activities or beliefs. For more guidelines on political communications to employees, see the brochure on our website. Note the distinction between internal communications (to employees, stockholders and their families) and communications to external audiences (such as non-stockholder retirees, outside vendors, customers, passersby).

Remember to Vote
As you consider your choices on the November ballot, we want to share with you the positions of the California Chamber of Commerce on the statewide ballot measures. Please don’t interpret this as a message telling you how to vote. We are providing this information because the CalChamber positions are based on the impact of the ballot measures on California’s economy and jobs climate. For more information on the reasons for each position, please see the link at the bottom of the email.

Prop.   Position Subject
51 Support School Bonds
52 Support State Fees on Hospitals. Federal Medi-Cal Matching Funds
54 Support Legislative Transparency
58 Support English Language Education
53 Oppose Revenue Bonds
55 Oppose Tax Extension on High Wealth Individuals
61 Oppose Prescription Drug Purchases. Pricing
More information available at