Established in 2017 in partnership with the Office of County Supervisor V. Manuel Perez, the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce serves the Unincorporated portions of the eastern Coachella Valley.  This includes the communities of Thermal, Mecca, Bermuda Dunes, Thousand Palms, and others.

The areas host a variety of industry that supports the local economy and job growth.  international destinations like HITS Horse Show and the BMW Driving Experience in Thermal help to fuel a steady stream of private jets in and out of Thermal Airport. A strong agriculture community has long been a mainstay of the desert economy, driving a growing $626 million annual economy.  In the heart of the Coachella Valley, communities like Bermuda Dunes and Thousand Palms supply much needed housing inventory and local commerce.

For more information about the Unincorporated areas of Riverside County, or the Regional Chamber of Commerce, visit anyone of our five local offices, or call (760) 347-0676.

Chamber News

Victims’ Leave Law Creates New Obligations, Expands Others

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