City of La Quinta to Honor 32 Veterans During Ceremony

News from City of La Quinta:

The City of La Quinta will be honoring 32 residents during it’s Veteran’s Day Celebration, Friday at 9 a.m. in the City Hall Courtyard. This year’s event will honor the most Veteran’s than previous years and will acknowledge those who have served this country. The event is free to attend and will include music by the  La Quinta High School Blackhawk Brigade and Doug Hassett.

This year the City of La Quinta has partnered with the Ophelia Project to display custom made American Flags that were created by the participants of the Ophelia Project. In addition, Palm Springs Air Museum will provide a fly-over at the event as a way to honor the Veterans. This year’s event will be one of many in the Coachella Valley to pay tribute to the men and women who serve our country and fight for our freedom.

“Veterans Day allows us the chance to celebrate the brave men and women who dedicate themselves to serving our country. The City of La Quinta is thrilled that this year we are able to honor 32 nominees, the most we have had than any of the previous years.” – Says, Marcie Graham, Marketing & Events Supervisor

The celebration will end by the honorees receiving their names, branch, rank, and years of service engraved in the Veterans Acknowledgement Art piece located at Civic Center Park. In addition to past honorees, the community is invited to attend this event and celebrate with the City.

For more information about this event please contact Marcie Graham, Marketing & Events Supervisor at [email protected] or visit