Five Questions: Understanding Your Organization

From Dr. Jeff Suderman:

As a consultant, a lot of my time is spent diagnosing matters related to organizational success. Sometimes as I listen, I discover themes about challenges that need to be addressed. At other times, I hear people provide insightful ideas about organizational opportunities. My goal is to help organizations clarify their needs and then help them act on them.

However, this process should not only be the domain of consultants. No matter who you are, you must learn to diagnose organizational gaps and opportunities. I have discovered five useful questions which can help you do this. Michael Watkins suggests that leaders should use them when they begin working at a new organization. However, I think they are questions which can be helpful to ask even if you are not new. Here they are;

1. What are the biggest challenges your organization is facing (or will face in the near future)?
2. Why is your organization facing (or going to face) these challenges?
3. What are the most promising unexploited opportunities for growth?
4. What would need to happen for the organization to exploit the potential of these opportunities?
5. If you were me, what would you focus attention on?

Someone recently told me, “Many leaders are scratching their heads in the decline phase of organizational life without a plan to launch a new service or product”. This astute assessment summarizes the demise of many organizations! Asking the five questions above are one simple way to avoid this problem.

About Dr. Suderman:
Jeff Suderman is a futurist, consultant, and professor who works in the field of organizational development. He partners with clients to improve strategy, culture, leadership, teamwork, organizational alignment, and future-readiness. Web: