GCVCC and Leadership Coachella Valley Announce Partnership

News from the Chamber

The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) and Leadership Coachella Valley (LCV) have announced a new partnership agreement that takes affect for the 2019-2020 year.  LCV has contracted with the GCVCC to administer support services for the long standing Leadership Coachella Valley program.  Under the agreement the GCVCC will assist with student registration, program delivery, and general execution of the education program.

“The GCVCC is excited for this partnership,” said Chamber CEO Joshua Bonner.  “Leadership Coachella Valley was started through a joint effort of our valley chambers, and for many years now it has provided professionals in our valley a better understanding of the community and economy we live in.  The programs impact on our business community and leaders is second to none, and we certainly look forward to helping grow that success.”

Leadership Coachella Valley will continue to operate as an independent 501c3, and their board of directors is excited for another stellar year.  “This program has been an amazing experience for so many valley professionals and leaders,” says Board Chair Sean Webb. “We are looking forward to the coming year and another group of graduates to add to the programs legacy. I want to take a moment to thank the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce, which has done an outstanding job of facilitating the program for several years, for all their hard work.  All our valley chambers have in some way contributed to our success, we look forward to partnering with the GCVCC moving forward and continuing that tradition.”

Leadership Coachella Valley is supported in part through the generous contributions of sponsors and the efforts of a strong Alumni Association.  The LCV sponsors are essential to ensuring the breadth and depth of programming provided to students.  If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring the LCV program, click here.


Leadership Coachella Valley is a program designed to identify, motivate and develop future community leaders. The program encourages community involvement by providing knowledge and perspective on valley-wide needs and concerns. Participants meet current community leaders in forum and group discussion settings.

Leadership Coachella Valley offers emerging and established community leaders a unique opportunity to be a part of a group that has come together to:

Learn about the issues affecting the Coachella Valley through open and balanced discussions and presentations

Develop their personal and professional leadership skills

Build relationships with others who seek to grow as leaders and find solutions to the issues facing our valley

Get involved


Once a month from September through June, participants attend an all-day seminar in which important community topics and issues are reviewed and discussed. The format includes a combination of presentations, panel discussions and hands-on visits to locales relevant to the day’s theme. Experts share their insights and views and interact with participants during lively discussions.


LCV Program participants will grow in awareness and understanding of the issues and challenges facing our community. They will also develop valuable contacts within the community and networks for the future. Most importantly, Leadership Coachella Valley participants become an even more involved group of individuals making our community a better place to live and work.


When the 35-45 class participants are selected each year, the selecting committee focuses on the applicant’s commitment to community and professional development, diversity, and engagement. The program encourages a collaboration of ideas and viewpoints.


A passion and interest for the people and future of the Coachella Valley

A demonstrated commitment to the community through past and current activities

A willingness to commit the time and energy necessary to complete the program requirements, which requires the full support of their organization

A commitment to representing the Leadership Coachella Valley program in a positive light now and in the future.


Commitment to participating in Leadership Coachella Valley centers on involvement and participation. Those who choose to apply should realize the significant time commitment of the program. The class meets for an 8-hour session once per month from September to June. Applicants must be able to fulfill program attendance requirements in order to graduate, and no more than 16 hours may be missed, without dismissal from the program.

For more information visit leadershipcv.org.