GCVCC Request Line Item Veto on SB 74

GCVCC Legislative Update

GCVCC Request Line Item Veto on SB 74

We strongly urge you to LINE ITEM VETO Item Number 3900-003-3237 of SB 74, which would force the Air Resources Board (ARB) to re-do a rulemaking that was just completed. This re-do substantially risks the balance of environmental protection and cost-effectiveness agreement reached in passing AB 398 (E. Garcia, 2017), California’s landmark, bi-partisan Cap-and-Trade agreement, jeopardizing the program itself in addition to drastically increasing costs on all Californians at a time of record high unemployment. We urge you to exercise your authority under Article IV, Section 10(e) of the California Constitution to veto this item.

Coalition Request For Line Item Veto-SB 74 Item 3900-003-3237