GCVCC Supports AB 2323

GCVCC Business Legislative Update

GCVCC Supports AB 2323

The GCVCC is pleased to SUPPORT AB 2323 (Friedman), as amended, which would bring meaningful changes to existing streamlining provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in order to promote more “climate-friendly” residential housing in California.

AB 2323 advances two very practical improvements to existing CEQA provisions. First, the bill would allow transit priority projects (TPP) that are consistent with all of the requirements of the Sustainable Communities Strategy, consistent with a community or specific plan, and consistent with the general use designation, density, and building intensity for the site, to be eligible for CEQA’s existing streamlining provisions. In doing so, the bill ensures that CEQA’s streamlining provisions better facilitate the type of affordable and environmentally sustainable housing projects that the Legislature intended when it enacted these provisions under CEQA. Second, the bill would allow certain infill, affordable and agricultural employee housing projects to utilize CEQA streamlining provisions provided they meet strict environmental criteria, are eligible for existing CEQA streamlining, and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has approved the site for the proposed use. By acknowledging that DTSC approval is critical to ensuring a safe site for residential housing, AB 2323 will facilitate the safe redevelopment of sites into thousands of new affordable and climate-friendly housing units in California.

AB 2323 (Friedman)Coalition Support to S. EQ