NEW Gem Launch Party & Craft Beer Mixer

News from Staff

Members and the community are welcome to join us for The Gem Launch Party & Craft Beer Mixer at The Beer Hunter on August 2, 2017 from 5 PM to 7 PM. GCVCC Members are $5/ Non $20. 

Attendees will enjoy networking, light appetizers and sample The Beer Hunter’s new craft beer options while we reveal the new look and style of The Gem. This chamber publication features all things La Quinta and reaches every resident and business monthly in the city, known as The Gem of the Desert. A recent study revealed that 79% of La Quinta gets their news from The Gem.

The publication is chock-full of City happenings, events, services and programs as well as helpful articles, how-to’s and top 10 lists from local member businesses along with member advertisements, keeping the community up to speed on the latest and greatest.

“We are proud to bring The Gem to La Quinta every month and look forward to the progression of the publication. The updated look brings a new level of sophistication to the popular tabloid. It will match the beauty, sophistication and artistic style of the entire city. You might find yourself even wanting to frame some of the cover art. We can’t wait for this reveal! The Gem is very special and quite unique.” – Katie Stice, VP Core Services/Regional President

Members who wish to make a submission into this new August issue, which will be even more widely read, should send in articles no later than July 7th and ads no later than July 15th to [email protected] or for ad rates, call your account representative at (760) 347-0676