Hi-Touch Communications in a Hi-Tech Era

News from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians:

Hi-Touch Communications in a Hi-Tech Era, Crisis Communications and Media Response Training for Today’s Leaders

The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians invites you to this seminar presented by Richard Brundage, a widely recognized international crisis communications expert, former television news
anchor and author of the critically acclaimed book, “The Heart In Communicating”. This seminar prepares your key communicators for any media appearance. In an era where messages
move at the speed of light, and any response can be a global statement, Brundage teaches crisis communications as “the demonstration of leadership.” Recently selected by the State Department
to train new U.S. Ambassadors, his message extends far beyond responding to the media – it is “new millennium thinking” about how we communicate with each other.

• What “image” is and how to instill confidence in your audience in a 12-second sound bite.
• How to formulate a message that cannot be taken out of context.
• What your body language says about you and your organization.
• How to “humanize” your organization in a critical situation.
• Intensive group preparation and actual on-camera performance techniques used by the pros.
• More than 50 techniques for improving your performance in any appearance.

You will learn from one of the most sought-after speakers today in media and public response communications. Because of the highly interactive nature of this seminar, seating will be limited to
the first 50 registrants.

Jan. 17, 2017 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cost: $165

For more information contact: Kate Anderson at [email protected].