News from: The Unforgettables Foundation
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of people to make a powerful difference (for God and good). The Unforgettables Foundation (TUF) is a perfect example of that principle in the realm of fundraising and philanthropic impact. In the past century, Tim and Sonya Evans, a Children’s Hospital Chaplain and a cross-trained pediatric nurse, decided to team with a handful of kids doctors and other community leaders and friends to make a difference for families caught up in the struggle of costs for their child’s funeral.
Twenty-five years later, in a new century, the award winning and first full-time focused non-profit of its kind has assisted 10,000 at-risk, grief-stricken and cash-struggling parents with money on their mortuary account bills (as well as being an advocacy and educational powerhouse) on behalf of those neighbors and strangers on their darkest day. The heartfelt mission of mercy has supported those who love children…”because every child is truly unforgettable – in life and death”. With causes of childhood death like cancer, car accidents, SIDS, stillbirth and suicide, infants, toddlers or teens from 23 weeks gestation to 18-years old have been assured a dignified burial when they have died.
Beginning at noon on December 31, 1999, through noon on January 1, 2000, the low-capacity charitable entity engaged the Inland Empire, plus high and low desert of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California, plus Orange County on the Pacific Ocean Coast, in an innovative and unique volunteer driven effort. Established in Redlands, California, the group has and still does tap hometown helpers to maximize the help. The Evans’ and four co-founding physicians, Dr. Sherwin, Dr. Moores, Dr. Sheridan, and Dr. Schell, worked in Loma Linda, while living in Highland. The first cases came from San Bernardino and Colton. The current staff of one full-time employee and two part-time employees come from Mentone, Redlands and Beaumont, with the future CEO hailing from Yucaipa. Even the Emeritus Co-Chairs come from Riverside and Corona.
As the recently named, California State Assembly and Senate Charity of the Year Organization, enters its Unforgettable Next 25 plan for more expansion across the United States, Canadian provinces, and potentially Mexico and Latin American countries, TUF is still mostly focused on local loved ones left behind with loving support.
The two part-time staffers, Monique Guerrero and Lori Shelffo, carry on daily the essential and urgent work of answering panicked calls and coordinating with hospitals, schools, mortuaries and first responders in trying to calm and comfort moms and dads as the founders did as dedicated volunteers.
Starting in January 2025, Lori O’Connor will become the Co-CEO with Tim Evans for the bright future of The Unforgettables Foundation.