News from: The City of Indio
The City of Indio has partnered with leading firm North Star on a research initiative for marketing the area to visitors, residents and businesses in the year 2021 and beyond.
According to North Star CEO Will Ketchum, at the heart of Indio’s message should be its competitive differentiator—in other words, what makes the community special, so that it can stand out in the marketplace. One of the best places to find that figurative nugget of marketing gold is in the hearts and minds of the people who call Indio home.
Toward this end, North Star developed a customized Community-wide online survey. The questionnaire has been carefully crafted to determine Indio’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities. All who visit, live and/work in Indio are invited and encouraged to participate in this important initiative.
The Survey can be found in English and Spanish at and can be completed online and submitted electronically. Printed surveys will also be available at Indio City Hall, the Indio Senior Center, Lights at Indio Golf Course, Indio Teen Center and Indio Chamber of Commerce between June 29 and July 19, 2021.
“We have partnered with more than 250 communities across North America, and I can’t emphasize enough the importance of insights gleaned from community members,” stressed Ketchum.
“We want to hear from everyone in Indio about what makes our community special,” added Indio Mayor Elaine Holmes. “It is important for us to celebrate what we love about our community and share that with others.”
To learn more about Indio’s identity initiative, go to
To learn more about North Star, go to