Local Company Launches Affordable Program to Easily Get Businesses Online

News from: BurkeMedia Productions

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an affordable option for small business and nonprofits to quickly get a professional website up quickly, with a customized email address and listed on Google without spending too much time messing with websites like Wix, only to discover how limiting it is?

Well, local Coachella Valley company BurkeMedia Productions has launched a solution to meet these needs, and meet them quickly.

Introducing… Online Tomorrow!

Online Tomorrow is a tool that helps provide all the basics to get your internet presence done simply, professionally, and quickly, for only $550.

The package includes a simple, modern, responsive and up to date website built on top of one of a templates of your choice, your business email address setup (@yourdomain.com), and a Google Business Listing.

All you need to do is send some information and graphics (if you have those – if not, they can help with that too), and they can get you set up within a day or two.

This is a perfect tool for small businesses, nonprofits and those promoting skills or talents that may fall into a few categories: those who are either just starting off, need to update their content to modern standards, those who need to desperately revamp their current content, or after years have finally decided it’s time for an internet presence that’s within in their control.

The website templates are built on WordPress and are easy for you to update information yourself in the future. If that intimidates you, they do offer maintenance plans and can update for you in the future too per request, very affordably.

“While BurkeMedia Productions loves building really fancy and customized websites for the sake of the art of web development to help their customers show their brand off to the world, we also are realistic enough to understand not everyone can afford $1800 – $5500, and also that not everyone needs all the fancy bells and whistles.” BurkeMedia Productions owner, Michael R. Burke said. “So, as an option for those who are getting a brand off the ground or don’t ever see themselves needing something quite like that ever, we created “Online Tomorrow” with a few basic templates that can be customized to suit just about anyone’s brand.”

The best part? If the website that’s built for you with “Online Tomorrow” helps you reach your goals and you decide you want to upgrade to a fancier, in-depth and more customized website – they take the $550 off your bill if we sign up within 24 months of your website’s launch.

They also offer affordable upgrades, such as setting up your social media pages, your Yelp! page, and discounts off of photography, graphic design and videography

Now, what about other options out there, like the “free” website WIX, Squarespace and the DIY WordPress templates? Well, those still require you to do a lot of work yourself if you don’t want to feel locked into an even more restrictive template, it does not include the extras Online Tomorrow provides like the Google Business Listing, and you don’t get the professional TLC BurkeMedia Production’s team is committed to giving you. These options may still be better for you to start off with if you(or family member or friend) have a lot of time on your hands, an eye for design and/or some tech knowledge. However, many can tell you that these experiences have not always been what they had hoped.

Firstly, any time you spend on something that distracts you from your daily tasks of running your business can feel like wasted time, many people want to focus on their goals and talents instead, and let professionals take care of getting them online and promoting their brand.

Many who have tried services like Wix first, whether they did it themselves or had a relative, friend or employee do it – have said they were disappointed in the results; whether it was because it was more work than they expected, the results didn’t quite look how they wanted, it was too limited to the template’s design, or they weren’t getting the results they wanted. Not to mention the frustrations with still needing to set up email and get Google Business Listing or social media pages setup.

This platform allows you to submit your content to BurkeMedia Productions right away so you still get a say in what the look and feel is like and can be confident this will represent your brand, and they can also can help you one on one with getting this everything together if that is also a daunting task for you. After everything they need is in their hands, they piece it all together for you.

BurkeMedia Productions works with you each step of the way and can ensure you will be happy with the result without feeling exhausted at the end of the process.

So what are you waiting for? Get “Online Tomorrow”!


For more assests, visit: https://onlinetomorrow.burkemedia.pro/press-kit/

(Also I could only leave one attachment, attached is a PDF with the article/press release and images. If anything else is needed or the PDF has problems downloading, visit https://onlinetomorrow.burkemedia.pro/press-kit/ for more assets.)
