New Direction, New Focus for MSWD Through Strategic Plan Adoption

News from MSWD:

In an ongoing effort to improve efficiency and organizational focus, the Mission Springs Water District (MSWD) Board voted to adopt a new strategic plan for 2017. The plan clearly outlines a strategy, and sets parameters regarding decisions about resource allocation, including its staff and capital, to pursue the defined strategy. It is a formal consideration of the organization’s future direction.

Highlights of the plan include review of the mission, vision and values of the organization which provide the framework from which decisions are made and policies are set in place. The planning process was intended to achieve several objectives, including:

  • Clearly defining the purpose of the organization.
  • Creating a roadmap for aligning activities and resources to achieve an agreed upon purpose.
  • Building consensus within the organization through enhanced communication.
  • Allowing the agency to convey long-range plans to its customers, stakeholders, elected officials and other constituencies.

MSWD President Russ Martin commented that this was not just another “laundry list of staff to-do’s as is often the outcome of strategic planning exercises.” He said that “by including every staff member and the Board in the process, this plan really provides clarity and reasonable, achievable goals that will move the district forward in both efficiency and stewardship of the public trust for years to come.”

The plan, developed with the assistance of DeLoach & Associates, Inc., sets strategic objectives related to water supply, infrastructure needs, financial management, public and political outreach, and organizational development. Further, the Values statement of the organization is being reaffirmed throughout the organization to ensure that daily activities and decisions are founded on these essential principles.

“The difference between this plan and past efforts is mostly related to the core values and interconnection of those values to both decision making and corporate culture,” said Arden Wallum, General Manager of MSWD. “Yes, we are facing challenges in the water industry unprecedented in the state’s history,” Wallum said, “with these values in place as a foundation, along with an analysis of our resources and future planning needs, we believe we are headed in not just the right direction, but the optimal direction for our future.”

Mission Springs Water District provides water and sewer services in an area of about 135 square miles to approximately 40,000 residents in the north-west Coachella Valley. Visit for more information.