Sign Your Business Up For IRONMAN “Athlete Perks”

News from the City of Indian Wells & La Quinta:

Indian Wells/La Quinta, CA: Coachella Valley businesses have a unique opportunity to leverage the strong athlete turnout for the upcoming Ironman contest – IRONMAN 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta Triathlon.  See the below letter from Alex Napier, IRONMAN Volunteer Director & Community Liaison.

Dear Business Owners,

Ironman athletes and their families will be arriving in the Coachella Valley early this December! While they are here to race the Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta Triathlon, we are encouraging them to stay, shop and dine local.

As a way to highlight local favorites with these visitors, a list of “Athlete Perks” is being compiled and will be given to all athletes. Athlete Perks are offers, discounts or other incentives local businesses would like to share.

Participating businesses will be featured on the Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells La Quinta website and in the race guide given to all athletes. Examples of Perks offered to athletes at a similar event are attached and can also be viewed here:

In order to be included in the listings please send the following to [email protected]:
● Business logo
● Business Date Range of Perks (suggested range: 12/4 – 12/11)
● Business Website
● Business Offering

Commitments must be received by November 1st to be included on the website. Thank you for your support and involvement. I look forward to working with you and encouraging athlete involvement in our community! Please let me know if you have questions about the Athlete Perks.

Alex Napier
Volunteer Director & Community Liaison – IRONMAN 70.3 Indian Wells-La Quinta
[email protected]

Examples of “Athlete Perks” from the Rock ‘N’ Roll San Diego Event: