Tax Reform Update – US Chamber

Photo credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

News from the US Chamber:

Washington, DC: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley issued the following statement today on the tax reform legislative draft unveiled in the House of Representatives:

“This bold tax reform bill is exactly what our nation needs to get our economy growing faster. A lot of work remains to be done to get the exact policy mix right and move from a legislative draft to an enacted law. We share Chairman Brady’s commitment to permanent reform because temporary tax relief simply will not produce the pro-growth environment we all desire. The business community stands ready to be an active partner with lawmakers over the coming weeks — and every step of the way — as we push to complete a re-write of our outdated tax system.”

As evidence of its commitment and determination, the U.S. Chamber on Tuesday sent a letter to all members of Congress signed by nearly 300 business groups and state and local chambers of commerce saying, “Completing the task will not be easy. We commit to working with you to achieve our shared goal of comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform.” U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue carried this same message to the White House this week.