Why Branding is Important & Why it Influences All that You Do

Submitted by Creative Goods Associates

As an agency, we advocate for the success of the brands we market on behalf of our clients. Our commitment is to have them succeed because they generate revenue in the market, create jobs, create partnerships and solve problems for their customers and in many cases, their community. Most companies are started by individual entrepreneurs with a vision and a mission to achieve that vision. We assume that the mission and the original vision are at the center of the company and its direction.

Paying attention to the brand of that business is critical to the success of the company. Going deep into the DNA of the brand, what makes it tick, allows for the life of the brand to happen. This is the dance between brand content and the context in which it is communicated. When your brand is clear and focused, it allows for consumers, partners and vendors and customers to invest in the brand.

Success in today’s world depends on what the brand is built on. We call it the brand DNA. This is at the core of the heritage, character, essence and value of what a brand provides. It is what attracts people to transact with the brand, what attracts talent to want to work for the brand, and ultimately drives success of the brand.

When you take the time to think about every aspect of your brand and you get it right, it becomes an extension of you and everyone who advocates for the brand, like your employees and customers. It becomes an authentic expression of what that brand is in the world and allows for you to create how that brand gets communicated in you product, service, and advertising… including social media.

With enough planning and forward-thinking, a powerful brand concept can outlive the original vision and flourish beyond your lifetime continuing to generate revenue in the market, create jobs, create partnerships and solve the problems of your customers and community.

J. Alex Gomez
Chief Brand Advocate

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