News from Life Stream If We All Do A Little, We Can Change A Lot. Because the Coachella Valley experiences severe local blood shortages throughout the summer months, we decided … Continued
News from Riverisde County Churches, temples, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship may now reopen in Riverside County following statewide guidance to allow religious services throughout the state. This … Continued
News from the GCVCC Now, more than ever, our community needs the support of our members. Can you give a couple hours a month to serve? The Greater Coachella Valley … Continued
The GCVCC has been chronicling its joint efforts with members to help take care of our community during the COVID-19 crises. Below is a message from one of our members, … Continued
News from American Outreach Foundation RANCHO MIRAGE, CA – American Outreach Foundation announced today that it has launched a petition to compel Congress to provide financial and scholarship compensation to … Continued
News from Greater Palm Springs CVB Visit to make a financial contribution Rancho Mirage, CA: The Greater Palm Springs Tourism Foundation is collecting donations to support local workers in … Continued